Hello world! Welcome to That Garden Girl HQ

by | Jul 14, 2022 | Uncategorized

Welcome to my first blog post!!!! 

I’m so grateful to be able to share my journey, tips and tricks  with you.

What can you expect?

My blogs will be all about sharing information from garden tips and  tricks to kitchen recipes and self sufficiency hacks.  

Highlights from my garden and what seasonal action I’ve been taking.  I’ll also keep you updated with my latest “how to” videos and guidance to help YOU in your own gardening journey!

If you haven’t already subscribed to my monthly newsletter please do!  I’ll give you all my seasonal guidance about what you can be planting in the garden and other ideas to help your garden evolve and grow.

I’m here to support you as much as I can whether you’re just starting out or whether you are a seasoned vegetable gardener.

Fresh, glorious vegetables and fruit picked straight from your garden to table is my ultimate goal and I’m keen to help everyone arm themselves with the skills and confidence to create self sufficiency on  the smallest or grandest scale.

Disclaimer:   I’m no expert…..I don’t know everything… but I have learnt a fair bit in my gardening journey and to be honest gardening is a constant state of learning and growing. I’ve found the best way to do that is to just jump in and start getting your hands in the dirt.  Learning from experience is ALWAYS the best teacher…and PASSION and WILLINGNESS well that’s the secret sauce!

So thanks for coming along for the ride. I’d love to hear about you too so please keep the conversation flowing!

Big Love from the garden

Sasha x



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